Embrace Agentic Workflows with Squire AI

At Squire AI, we strongly believe AI will augment software developers rather than replace them. Today, as a software developer, you have a toolbox full of AI tools, from a perfect auto-complete to "AI developers".

Squire bridges the gap between auto-complete and full automation by introducing atomic AI Agents that excel at highly specific and repetitive tasks across the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Let's explore why atomic Agents are the future of developer tools.

Why Agents?

Today, developers use two key patterns when it comes to utilizing AI in software development:

  • Autocomplete: Functionality within the IDE like GitHub's Copilot. It’s a great passive tool developers can use to reduce keystrokes.
  • Chat Interface: This acts as the rubber duck. Developers use chat interfaces like ChatGPT to ideate and write boilerplate code that can significantly increase velocity.

Both of these approaches are great productivity boosters. However, more often than not, developers end up playing babysitter, stuck in the prompt-response loop, trying to keep the LLM on task.

Enter AI Agents

AI Agents are entities designed to take a goal to an outcome, often with minimal to no human intervention. No more prompt-response loops.

  • Beyond Zero-Shot Prompting: Agents require significantly less hand-holding to achieve significantly better outcomes significantly faster. (That's a lot of significance)
  • Tool Use: With advanced reasoning and planning techniques Agents are able to use "tools" at their disposal to achieve their goal. These tools provide abilities such as making API calls, invoking another Agent, using a RAG, etc.
  • Automatic Memory/Data Utilization: AI Agents are able to use both long-term and short-term memory to achieve complicated tasks that don't involve you copy & pasting your entire repository into a context window.
  • Flow Engineering: Agents provide a unique opportunity to create feedback loops and steering ability that allows us to direct them towards desired outcomes while staying within predefined constraints.

What is Squire AI all about?

At Squire we strongly believe that Atomic Agents, Multi-Agent-Collaboration and Human In The Loop are critical concepts to using AI in the workplace.

  • Atomic Agents: Atomic Agents are at the core of what we do. Our goal is to design a suite of highly specialized Agents that are proficient at completing specific tasks such as, reviewing code, writing code, executing tests, and conducting research. These Agents utilize specific sets of tools, feedback loops and highly specialized LMs to achieve their atomic task.
  • Multi-Agent-Collaboration: We see a future where many of these specialized Agents are employed by your Squire to help complete day-to-day tasks rapidly.
  • Human in the Loop: While Squire gets work done for you we see YOU, the human, as the cornerstone of the SDLC. We want to enable humans to do the creative work while Squire handles the boring.


The shift from Single-Shot prompting to Agentic workflows represents a significant advancement in AI's role in software development. By leveraging specialized, iterative Agents, Squire AI provides developers with powerful tools to achieve their outcomes faster and with great proficiency. This approach allows developers to automate repetitive tasks and keep them at the center of the SDLC; leveraging human expertise to handle complex scenarios while being augmented by a suite of highly specialized agents.